Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Novice LP. Session 17

BW - 226

Squat - 330X3X5

Bench - 190X3X5

Band-Assisted Chins - RedLightBandX4X5

330 for 3 sets of 5 is an LP PR.  These were really, really fucking hard.  I had out of town guests for the 2nd weekend in a row, and I had to sit in jury selection all day.  That means my sleep and food and just general routine were all very irregular.  I tried pounding a coffee and doughnut before this session, but focusing seemed next to impossible until after the first work set.  That woke me up a bit for some reason, and I got through all three sets.  Here's the last set.  Probably too high for competition, but may be okay for training:

Bench went a little bit better.

2nd day of Niki Sims chin-up program, meaning first day with band assistance.  Red light band looped under one foot, and legs kept straight throughout.  By the 4th set of 5, these were actually a little harder than I expected, and I was really feeling them in my biceps.

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