Monday, October 24, 2016

Texas Method Team Training. Week 4. Recovery Day

BW - 224

Squats - 235X5, 5

Press - 105X5, 5, 5

Pulldowns -
X10, 10, 6 (to a top-set)
X7 (back-off set)


John said...

Do you like the Texas Method so far? I enjoyed doing it years ago before my body started breaking down and I had to completely change what I do.

Nealstar said...

It worked well for me prepping for my first meet in March. I hit lifetime PRs in all 3 lifts either in training or at the meet.

This time, it's also seemed to work well ramping my strength back up as I've switched gears from training for a 5k earlier this month to doing another meet next week.

I did have a lot of aches and pains heading into the March meet. In particular my knees were giving me a lot of discomfort. That hasn't happened yet this time, but my squat intensity hasn't yet reached the same point it did back then.