Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Texas Method Team Training. Week 3. Intensity Day

BW - 225

Squat - 305X5

Bench - 205X3

Deadlift - 305X5

Squat went better than expected.  Strength is no doubt there, but I have to walk the fine line between and ab and low-back strain.  Still, the work set was better than several of the warm-up sets.

Missed my 4th rep on bench.  Coach said, "Good news!  We're going to triples now."  Haha.

Deadlift also went surprisingly well.  Early on, the low back strain was giving me a lot of trouble.  On the work set, I started the pull with my hips a little lower and was able to get my legs more involved in getting the bar to my knees.

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