I was in Columbus this week for work, and I took the opportunity to arrange to go train with Matt Wenning at his gym, Ludus Magnus. I would describe the gym as contemporary-hardcore. A converted garage with no climate control, a ton of specialty bars, a couple of racks, a platform, a quality bench, all the dumbells, and a smattering of machines. Only what you need, or might find useful. Matt just had me work in with the group he was training that day, I'll detail basically what we did, but I don't remember specific weights.
Sled-pull - 1/2 way down the block, and then back up (maybe 3 plates on the sled)
Lying Leg Curls - 1 set of 20
Decline Sit-Ups - 1 set of 20
Speed Squats - Safety-Bar Box Squats w/ one chain per side
I believe we did 4 sets of 2; all reps paused. Maybe a quarter and a dime on each side.
Speed Deads - different conventional stance/grip every set (1st lifter decides); all reps held at knee on eccentric for a 2 count.
We did a bunch of singles here. Maybe worked up to 245.
Finishing Circuit - 2 rounds, AMAP
Fat Bar Shrugs w/ 1 pps.
GHR Sit-Ups
Hypers w/ 45 lb. plate
Warm-ups were all good. Pulling a heavy-ish sled over a busted sidewalk in the the July sun was hilarious.
The speed squats with safety bar, chains, paused on a box are the kind of classic "Westside" style movement I never thought I'd actually do. I shit ton of sit-back. More than I think would be possible with a regular squat. Matt's take-home for me on this was basically, "you've got to keep your knees out hard. Looks like you've been squatting a lot into your quads, and when those are taken away, you don't have any power. Get those knees out, and keep them out."
The speed deads paused on the way down were kind of fun. I really started to feel the pause in my lats.
On the finishing circuit, I got around 20 reps on each movement the first circuit, and around 15 on the second. Matt's only real send-home for me on Deads was that I should do more of the weighted hypers.
I was working in with a crew of 3 other folks. 2 guys and 1 woman. The team training environment of stripping, loading, spotting, cheering, and coaching was pretty fucking awesome. Matt was super-nice, he ended up giving me a ride back to my hotel, and asking me to come train bench the next day.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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