Thursday, July 7, 2016

Hybrid Training. Week 3. Heavy Lower

BW - 226

Deadlift -
up to 322.5X1
then 305X3, 3

Squat - up to 255X3, 3, 3, 3

Hanging Legs - BWX10, 10, 10

Deadlift felt pretty good.  Form felt solid, bar against legs the whole time with chest up, etc., and no low back issues.

Squatting after DL, which I haven't done in who knows how long, took a lot of focus.  Definitely more of a focus/will effort than a strength effort.

I think it's going to take some time to dial-in what the weights/reps should be week over week as I alternate Squat/DL as Main/Accessory.  My instinct right now is that the %'s and Reps shouldn't be interchangeable on them.  I feel like I can handle more reps on Squat at Accessory %'s than on DL.  I'm thinking slightly higher % and lower reps for DL as accessory, and the opposite for Squats as accessory.

Trying to keep my knees completely locked through-out the leg raises.  I've been diligent about working on lengthening my hamstrings, and I want to see that carry through to execution of this simple movement.

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