Friday, July 15, 2016

Hybrid Training. Week 4. Heavy Lower

BW - 225

Squat -
up to 300X3
then 247.5X8, 8

Deadlift -
up to 275X5, 5, 5

Hanging Legs - BWX10, 10, 10

Squats were fairly strong.  Deadlifts were fairly hard.  The first rep always feels good, but the subsequent reps don't.  The bar drifts away, etc.  WTF.


John said...

re: the bar drifting away.. just slow down and reset completely. Treat it as individual sets of 1 rep each as opposed to 1 set of "X" amount of reps.

Nealstar said...

Good idea, and something I'd been considering. I'll give it a shot on heavy days.