BW - 229.4
Speed Squats - up to 255X5, 5, 5
Pause Squats -
"Bench" Grip DL - 225X5, 5, 5
Hang-Cleans - 133X3, 3, 3, 3
Hanging Leg Raises - X8, 8, 8
Finally. Four weeks I've been on this program, and this is the first time I've been able to run this day the way I'm supposed to. Low back trouble feels 95% recovered now, and isn't bothering my lifting at all.
It was humid as hell in the gym today, so the Speed Squats weren't as "speedy" as I'd have liked. Also, I try to avoid max acceleration for the last 1/4 of the lift. I sometimes find that "popping" up at the top bothers my back.
Haven't done Pause Squats in quite a long time, so I wasn't sure where the weight should be. I Goldilocks'd that shit, and 235 was juuuuust right.
The program suggest Snatch Grip DL, but I've had trouble with deficit DLs aggravating my low back, so I didn't want to go that wide. I went with my bench grip which is out to the rings. I've wondered for some time about getting similar effects to deficit deads by just moving the grip out wider. I started off a little too low on the first couple of reps (I could tell because I was scraping my shins suddenly). I think I found the sweet spot, and these went pretty well. My hamstrings and traps are fairly sore today, and the hamstring soreness at least is from these.
The program also calls for jump squats, but I've never felt comfortable with those. I thought about doing DB or KB jump squats, but I thought I'd try hang-cleans instead. I've never done these, and it took awhile to find how low to come down so that I could accelerate into the jump. My left shoulder wasn't loving these, so we'll see.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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