Wednesday, April 24, 2013

LRB 365: Conditioning. Week 3. Bench

BW - 196

Bench -
95X5, 5
135X3, 3
155X1, 1, 1

BW Ladder Circuit -
Dips - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Chins (neutral grip) - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Leg-Raises - 3 up to 15, back down to 3

Good Session.  Had to fight the urge to either up the weight on the top Bench single, or go for more reps on the back off set.  But instead I remembered to save it for all the dips and push-ups.

No problem with my shoulder tonight.  It was really achy when I was stretching my pec out before hand, but I took some time with band dislocates and that really loosened it up well.

All the bodyweight movements got some rest/pause on the top sets, but this was by far the best bodyweight circuit on an upper day of this cycle.

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