BW - 198
Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)
225X1, 1
BW Ladder Circuit -
BW Squats - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Chins (supinated) - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Sit-ups - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Good session. I would say great, but since I ratcheted the rep intervals back on the ladder circuits, I'm docking myself.
Squats were great using the larger intervals/plates. Also, it's been a while since I repped out any higher (for me) weights on full squats, and it felt nice to do that again.
The ladders were all pretty solid, with the sit-ups being the hardest. Next lower body session, I'm going to bump the rep intervals up on squats, sit-ups, and push-ups to get them closer to where they are supposed to be. I'll leave it at 2s for the next Upper body session, although I'm hopeful that last session represented a trial-by-fire acclimation session, and that they will be as easy as these were. Nevertheless, the Bench/Dip/Push-up combo could still pose some problems.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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