BW - 195
Deadlift -
135X5, 5
275X1, 1
BW Ladder Circuit -
Squats - 3 up to 15, back down to 3
Sit-ups - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Chins - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 3 up to 15, back down to 3
My afternoon was a cluster-fuck of leaving work early for one appointment that got cancelled because of weather, and another that ended up being so delayed that I could have stayed at work. Raining so hard, I needed to take the bus to get from home to the gym, but I just missed a bus and had to wait 20 minutes for the next one. Ended up having to wait 15 minutes for a bus to get home afterwards. Was supposed to walk with the weighted vest today, but torrential downpour delays that.
Despite all that frustration, this was a solid-to-nice session.
Deadlifts were all strong, BUT 315 was a touch slower than I would have liked, and 275 might have been a bit much for the back-off. I'm trying to stick with 25s/45s as much as possible on this phase, but I may have to use some 10s to back this down from 315/275 to 295/245 next time. Or not.
Best ladder session yet. Pretty clear now that the Bench days with the dips and push-ups in the ladder are significantly harder for me than these. My shoulder strain from last session wasn't hindering me UNTIL I stupidly tried to loosen it up even more with some dislocates half way through. Then it was righteously pissed at me. Anyway, on Lower day I'm upping the rep intervals for Squats and Sit-Ups all the way back up to the programmed 5, and Push-Ups up to 4.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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