Monday, March 19, 2012

UB: Conditioning Week 3. Squat, Deads and Steady State

Defranco mobility

Squats -

Deadlift -

Rope Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 20-25

45-minute walk

Stayed out a little too late and had a little too much to drink again on a Saturday night.  Squats were okay though.  The 255 moved kind of slow, but not straining if that makes sense.

Deads were fast and easy.  This is definitely my lift.

I've had bad cramping in my calf that started during the 1-mile run the day before this.  I decided to push sprints back a day, eat some bananas, and see if it eases up enough for me to run sprints on Monday.

Rope curls today for my elbow flexion.  Again the twin goals of balancing out all the pressing I've been doing, and experimenting with "bringing up" a smaller muscle group during a diet/conditioning phase.

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