Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 6.Day 3


Chin-ups - BWX4, BWX3

Pull-downs, slow eccentric, rest/pause - 70X13, X8, X5, X5, X4, X3, X3, 90X1

"Modified" Arnold Press - 30X10, 35X10, 35X6

Blackburns, 4-position - 5'sX15Sec.X2

Cable Curls - 20X15, 25X15X2

Core Circuit - BWX2

Push-ups - BWX20, BWX5

Ah, Chin/Push-up day you continue to ruin my life.

I gotta find a new way to push these chins.  I've been throwing in sets between other work-sets every lifting day, and I also feel much more explosive with them than I used to, but still I'm stuck at 3-5 reps.  Maybe there's a mental block, so I'll take another week to try to break the 5 rep barrier, and then....maybe start doing 2-3 weighted chins in the hope BW chins jump as a result?  Dunno.

Pulldowns were a little screwy because I forgot to do the slow ups on a couple of sets.  I'll be better next week.

The modified Arnolds are odd, but fine.  I started to go ego on the Blackburns and start with 10's (the girls in the Defranco video use 5's), but I'm glad I didn't.  The Arnolds took enough out of my shoulders that the 5's were plenty on the full front and side extended holds.

I feel like a poseur doing biceps cable curls, but the program calls for them. 

I got through the Core circuit, but afterwards I felt wiped out the way I do after the finishers on other days.  This is the kind of problems I worry about running into with static programs like this.  It just can't take into account how weak I am in some areas (Abs, Push-Ups, Chins).  I knew I couldn't get through the finisher again, but since the core circuit feels like a finisher I decided not to try.  I did two sets of max reps push-ups instead, and did some more push-ups at home later.  I think next week I've GOT to try to get through all of them, even if I stay in the gym an extra 30 minutes to do it.  After the next cycle, the rest of the program ends Day 3 with sets of barbell push-ups laddering down every set from the high teens and then a push-up test in the final week.  That should fall on labor day, and I think that's a good plan.  I'll be at the gym early because of holiday hours, and I begin rehearsing a new show the next day so I'll have a few extra days of rest.  More on rehearsing and training at the same time next week.

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