Thursday, August 18, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 4.Day 3


Chin-ups - warmed-up with band-assisted, then BWX4, BWX3, backed-off with drop-set (No band, band on knee, band on foot)

Neutral Grip-Pulldown - 70X18(?Jefit?), 70X20
super-set with
Standing, Neutral grip DB Press - 60X18, 60X12

Cable Rear Delt Raise - 30X10, 25X10X3

"Run the Rack" DB Curls - 35, 25, 15, 5X8

Core Circuit (Sprint-ups, V-ups, Toe-touches, Hip-ups) X2

Body-weight Complex (Mountain Climbers, Push-ups, Groiners, Burpees) X Fail

Annnnd -10%.  Figures that would happen after Tuesday's +10 day.  The cable stuff and the curls are fine, but they're cables and curls, ya know?  Although, there appears to be a glitch in the Jefit App, wherein in it mis-records some of the weights on super-sets.  I think I actually got 26 reps on my first set of pull-downs.  I'll have to play with it.

The chins just don't seem to be moving anymore.  I've gone up in weight by around 5 lbs. over the last two weeks, but I refuse to accept that as an excuse.  I'm gonna try varying grips and see if I can get any more reps that way.

The Core circuit was the only thing I felt good about today, because I was able to complete the prescribed sets/reps.  However that back-patting turned into excruciating shoulder-wrenching when I started the BW Complex.  Climbers and Groiners are fine (probably because they're already in the Agile-8 warm-up drills I've been doing for months), but our old nemesis the push-up rears it's head once more.  The program calls for 3 sets of descending reps on the 4 exercises: 30 MCs, 20 push-ups, 10 groiners, 5 burpees.  I was worried, but I got through the 20 push-ups, but after the first burpee I thought I would pass-out.  I got through the next set up to the burpees, and I was just done.  Workout cancelled at the end.  Fuck.

Next week is the "deload" week of light work.  These BW complexes come back into the program for chin-up day after that.  I hope I can get this.  It's damn frustrating to begin a work-out by failing to progress on chin-ups, and end by not being able to finish a conditioning circuit.

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