Saturday, August 6, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 2.Day 3

Chin-ups, band-assisted - under footX10, under kneeX5, no bandX3, no bandX2, under kneeX8, under footX10

Wide-grip lat pulldowns - 60X20, 60X20
superset with
Standing DB shoulder-press -60X20, 60X14

DB lying triceps extension - 60X8X5 (full stop behind head)
superset with
Seated Hammer curls -60X8X5 (full stop at bottom)

Core-circuit X 2

50 pushups - 4:20

This day continues to be humble pie.  I discovered a month or so back that I could only do one or two strict chin-ups.  The program calls for one set of max reps plus 50 - 60%, but I think the authors envisioned someone that could a few more than me.  Luckily the new gym has bands, and I think warming-up and doing back-off sets with them  are yielding positive results.  My goal is to get up to 12+ unassisted, and then I'll start loading the work sets.  Probably won't get there on this cycle of this progrm, but hopefully while I'm on 531, this winter.

Also, that damn push-up test.  The program calls for 100 push-ups for time.  When I tried to set my base time last week, I was horrified to have to stop at 50.  At 5:48.  I gave myself a much longer rest this week, before starting the test and that helped.  I got 50 in under 5.  Next week I will try for the hundo.  I'm sure I could do them fresh, but the program has them at the end of the session for a reason.  My lock-out just goes in the toilet after the DB OHPs and the triceps extensions.

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