Friday, September 2, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 7.Day 1


Bench warm-up - 45X5, 65X5, 95X5

BB Bench - 115X7, 125X5, 135X10

Alternating Med-ball push-ups - BWX11, BWX8

Cable row, neutral grip - 100X10, 110X10X2
super-set with
Triceps extensions - 60X10, 70X10, 70X7

Face-pull, 2sec. hold - 50X10, 60X10X2
super-set with
Zottman curls - 50X10X3

DB complex (front squat, swings, curl+press, jump squat) - 25X7, 8, 9, 10

Rough commute today.  Exactly the kind of day I don't want to go to the gym, and exactly the kind of day when it's most important to make myself go.  Yay freakin' me.

Jefit says 135X10 is a bench PR.  So that feels nice.  I realized before that set that I had forgotten to throw chin-ups in between my earlier sets.  I started to go do them, but I stopped myself for two reasons.  1) I thought it might be beneficial to give myself a few days off from chins to be recovered before the next full chin day, and 2) it occurred to me that by throwing in sets of 2-4 chins all the time, I might only be training myself to DO 2-4 chins.  On Monday I am gonna by god do 5 or more chins without letting go of the bar.

The hypertrophy stuff was all fine today.  Triceps extensions PR, and I managed to keep the weight slightly up on the curls.  I think switching to the high pulley for the face-pulls helped my biceps rest more.

DB complexes are fun, but I'm sure glad I didn't up the weight from last week.  I was grinding on the extra 10 reps, and my legs are feeling it today.

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