Squat Warm-up - 45X10, 65X10, 95X5, 115X5, 135X3
Squats - 160X6, 170X4, 185X2
Bulgarian Split-Squat Jumps - BWX5X4
Stability Ball Leg Curls - BWX15X3
super-set with
Spead-Eagle Sit-Ups - BWX15, 5X15, BWX15
DB Alternating Lunges - 30X9, 30X11
Timed One-Mile Run - 10:09
Squats felt pretty good. Totally reinforced the decision to go on a more structured program, however. When I threw my back out squatting a few weeks back, I did 185X5 and then tried to take out 195 for a 5 rep. PR. So this 185 made me nervous even thought I've had more weight on my back for 2 reps in the past. The extra warm-ups still feel right for reinforcing technique prior to the work-sets. The bar felt kind of heavy but I just think that was the yips I had about the number. The reps actually felt easier on 185 than they did on the 160.
Split-squat jumps are funny.
In the previous vein of chin-ups and push-ups, we had a whole new edition of "you never spent any time on these before, and lo and behold you suck at them" with the weighted sit-ups. I've never really done a lot of direct ab work in the past, so I did the first set with no weight, and of course they were hard. I added a measly 5 lb. plate to the second set and almost couldn't finish, so I dropped it for the final set. Next week, I'll try starting off with a 10, and see if I can (safely) muscle through the reps with rests if necessary.
Even though my time on the run was longer than last week, the program only called for me to beat Week 1, which I did, AND I did the whole mile without walking. I just started off at a much milder trot and maintained that for the duration.
I had a call-back later in the night that ended up being a one-hour cardio session of theatre games. Didn't get home till after 11:30, got up today at 6:15 and feel like a smudge. Good thing we have dinner plans tonight, and house-guests coming tomorrow that I have to finish cleaning up for. Otherwise I might actually be able to rest. Accordingly, I expect Thursdays session to be a massacre. I don't know how I'm gonna get those 100 push-ups on an empty tank...
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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