BB Bench Warm-up - BarX10, 65X8, 95X5
BB Bench Press - 110X8, 120X6, 130X11
Off-Set, Alternating Med-Ball Push-ups - BWX10, BWX7
Cable Row - 100X12X2, 100X10
super-set with
Lying Triceps Extensions - 60X12X2, 60X9
Face-Pulls - 40X12X2, 30X12
super-set with
DB Zottman Curls - 60X8, 50X7, 30X10
DB Complex (Front Squat, Swing, Curl+Press, Jump Squat) - 25X7, 25X8, 25X9
Bench felt good. Program called for 4+ reps on the last, heaviest set. Jefit projects the 130X11 as a PR which makes me 5 for 5 on Bench PR attempts in this program. That's nice, but I can't help but feel that the little tweaks I'm making in my form might be contributing as much as any strength gains. Oh well, a PR is a PR I suppose.
Speaking of form tweaks, I tried "grabbing" the bench with my legs as Wendler suggests in his 531 manual, but the bench isn't long enough for me to keep a strong arch between my butt and shoulders with my eyes in front of the bar, and still have my knees alongside the bench. Maybe if I pull my heels even further back? Maybe I'll try this on my warm-up sets next round and see if it's feasible. Also, maybe a lot of powerlifters are shorter than me.
Threw chin sets in between bench work-sets. Continue to feel stronger and more explosive since I started mixing up the grips with neutral and over-hand.
Triecps extensions were harder than usual for this weight. Also, my left elbow didn't seem to like them much. Makes me nervous because Paul Carter has ascribed all his elbow tendonitis to heavy free weight extensions. I'm just trying not to lock-out and hope that keeps them healthy. I was hoping to go heavy on these in my next program, but I may have to rethink that.
REALLY had to drop the weight on the Zottman curls. I'm wondering if the combination of the programmed rows and the extra chins caused this. Also, my biceps might have been more involved in the Face-pulls than normal because I'm having to use a seated pulley station and that has a low angle. Maybe I'll try a high-pulley next week and see if that helps.
DB Complex was fun. Might go up 5 lb.'s next week. Would go more, but I'd probably lose gas on the Curl'n'Press.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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