Monday, August 22, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 5.Day 2


DB Squat jumps - 20X6X2

Squats -  105X5, 125X5

Back extensions - BWX10
super-set with
Plate twists - 25X10X2

Day 2 of the deload week went fine.  I decided to pause at the bottom of all my squat warm-ups and my first work set.  I suspect that's why my legs were very tired by late the following afternoon, but no biggie.

I also did mixed grip chin sets between most of the programmed sets.  Neutral close grip seems to be the easiest, so I will focus on that going forward.  I also finished with 25 non-stop push-ups to try to work on my rep strength in that movement.  25 was my target, but it eas probably my limit.  RPE was at 10.  One more easy day to go before 15 real work sessions.

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