Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 8. Day A.

sRPE @8
BW - 225

Press - 
-    up to 165X1 @10
-    135X3, 3, 3 @7/9

Cambered Bench - 155X5, 5, 5 @7/9

Hack Squats - 100X10, 10 @~9

Pull-Downs - X12, 9 @~10

1-Arm DB OH Extension - 25X14, 12, 8, 7 @~10

Was feeling fatigued walking into the gym, so I took a lot of time with  my Press warm-ups.  Things started feeling pretty good as I hit 135, and I ended up tying my PR.

Despite going heavy on Press, Cambered Bench felt about the same as last week.

Because Squats were so hard last week, I decided to do something a bit more stressful than Roman Chair Squats for my Squat assistance today.

Beat the log book on pulldowns.

All the EZ bars were weirdly occupied, so I did single arm OH extensions.

Much longer session today because more warm-ups were needed on the first 3 movements, and doing unilateral work on the last one. 

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