Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 7. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7

Incline DB Raise - 15sX16, 12, 10 @10

Squat - up to 335X1 @9

ATG Pause Squat - 225X5, 5 @7/8

Lying DB Curls - 20sX12, 8 @10

PJR Pullovers - 55X14, 11, 10 @8/10

Sets of 125X3 felt easier across the board since I moved up to that weight for my light days.

Did a PL Squat for the first time since 7/1/24, and ripped my shorts wide open.  Gains.

Technique on the regular Squat was a bit wonky, so there's room to get that round back into form as this was on par with my best ATG Pause singles.

Beat the recent log book on Incline Raise, Lying Curls, and Triceps Pullovers.

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