Friday, April 5, 2024

Upper Push, HLR, Curls

sRPE @7.5
BW - 222

Log Clean & Press -
125X1, 1, 1 @~8
145X1 @~9

DB Bench - 60sX10, 9, 7 @9/10

Machine Flyes - X7 @10

Hanging Leg Raise w/straps - BWX10, 8, 7 @8/9.5

Machine Preacher Curls - X10, 8 @10
super-set with
Cable Rear Delt Flyes - X10, 7 @8/10

First time using a Log for anything.  I warmed-up with the lightest weight log (~50#), and then moved to the next lightest (~125#) for working sets.  Interestingly, the lighter log has a larger diameter, and I found it made the rolling transition from lap to chest easier than with the smaller diameter.  I think I possibly could have handled more weight with the larger diameter log.

During my recent hypertophy focused training, I felt like I was getting more "training artifacts" (burn, pump, DOMS, etc.) from really deep DB Flat and Incline Benching than I did from really deep machine flyes.  Today, I tried using the Flyes as a finisher after the DB Bench.  Hard to say how much impact it had, but I definitely have some pec DOMS today.

I thought I would do Hack Squats but the machine was ocupado.  Decided to pivot to HLRs since I haven't done ab and hip flexion work in a while.  

Finished with some more stuff I've never really done.  Using the behemoth preacher curl machine, and bent-over cross-body rear delt flyes.  Preacher curls were ok, but the rear delt flyes felt really good.  Might bookmark those for later.  

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