sRPE @6.5
BW - 208
Deadlift -
365X1 @7
275X9 @6
Cambered Bar Bench - 145X6 @7.5
Reverse Cambered Bar Bench - 135X19 @9.5
Pull-Downs (Myo-Reps) - X20, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @8/7
DB Incline - 50sX12 @8
Leg DOMS starting to clear up a bit, and DL wasn't as much of a hassle as I thought it would be.
The low-fatigue strength work on cambered bar followed by a rep out on reverse cambered bar is based on something I heard in the Data Driven Strength podcast: that while long-ROM may be best overall for hypertrophy, partial ROM may provide greater hypertrophy in specific regions of the target muscle. I spit-balled this idea over IG DM with one of their coaches, and this seemed like a good time to try it out: in the wake of failing to lock out my bench in the mock-meet on NYE. The podcast was one of these two:
I can't remember which.