Saturday, December 18, 2021

Block 18 (Exploratory). Cycle 4. Session C.

sRPE @8
BW - 215

Squat - 290X8, 8, 8, 8 @8/9

Dips - 
BW+60X4 @7
BWX14 @9
EZ OH Extensions - 65X11 @10

Low Pin Press - 125X3, 3, 3, 3 @8/9.5

Gaspari Bar Curls - 60X12, 11 @8/10

290 for 2X8 is a Volume PR on Squats, and I got it for a tough 4 sets.  Rest time between each set was longer than the set before, and rest before the last set was >5 minutes.  This all seems very hard, but I'm kind of tapping back into a variation of the old Starting Strength mentality: "You got all your sets and reps last week, so you might as well and try and add more next week."  The caveat being that I'm keeping a very close eye on that sRPE creeping up along with other subjective markers.  Plus, obviously, it I start substantially overshooting RPE in the first 3 sets (meaning close to +1 or higher), I'll pull the weight back for subsequent sets.  

3 weeks to go in this training block, and it will pay to be conservative from here on out.  I hit a 2X8 PR today, but it's almost certain I won't hit a new 8 rep PR by the end of the block, as my previous is 340.  So there's no real goal left besides just kind of "staying in the pocket," i.e. trying to maintain target RPE and not let sRPE, stimulus-to-fatigue ratio, etc. creep out of a sustainable range. 

Everything else was more-or-less flat from last week.  Pin Presses felt a little better at the start, but then felt worse at the end.

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