Friday, December 3, 2021

Block 18 (Exploratory). Cycle 2. Session C.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 220

Squats - 282.5X8, 8 @8

Dips - 
BW+80X4 @8.25
BWX11 @9
EZ OH Extensions - 70X7 @10

Low Pin Press - 122.5X3, 3, 3, 3 @~8

Gaspari Bar Rotating Curls - 55X12, 14 @8/10

Tougher than usual session all the way around.

Over a year since I've gone this hard on Squats, I think.  Immediately pre- and post- the first lockdown I was doing sets of 6 @~8.  Anyway, these were fairly tough.  I was very focused on depth, and so took my time, breathing and resetting between most reps, etc.  I've mostly kept rest times in the 2-3 minute zone.  I expect rest times on these to be consistently over 3:00.

Dips were supposed to be @7 with this weight [shrugs].

Trying to decide where @10 is on OH extensions so that I don't get stuck with the bar behind my head is interesting.

Pin Pressing is such a weird experience.  On one hand, these feel really hard, but on the other hand, don't seem so fatiguing?

Rotating Gaspari Bar Curls feel...interesting...on my wrists.  Not painful, but an unusual feeling of tension.

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