Thursday, April 22, 2021

Block 14. Cycle 3. Session B.

BW - 221
sRPE @ 8

Dips - 
BW+52.5X4, 4, 4, @~8
BWX15 @ 8

Bench - 
200X3 @8
157.5X10, 10 @7/8.25
150X10 @9

Toes-to-Bar - BWX2, 3, 3 @8/9

Band Chins (under knee) - BWX5, 5, 5 @8/8.5

273 (BW+52.5) would be a PR for 2 sets of any reps (i.e. 2X1 PR), and I got 3X4.  That's two weeks in a row hitting volume PRs on Dips.  If everything keeps progressing, I should expect to hit lifetime some lifetime PRs for Dips this block.  These are actually probably all PRs for weight added, but I've always tracked with BW included.  A bright spot in what is an otherwise rocky training block to-date.

Dips progress definitely not showing positive carryover to Bench so far.  Negative, in fact, doing them back-to-back.  My e1RM on top sets has declined every week so far.  However, the back-off sets are maybe showing a little bit of progress.

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