Thursday, April 15, 2021

Block 14. Cycle 2. Session B

 BW - 222

Dips - 
BW+45X4, 4 @8
BWX13 @8

Bench -
210X3 @9
155X10, 10 @7/8

Toes-to-Bar - BWX4, 3, 3 @~9

Chins (band under knee) - BWX5, 5 @~8

Dips went really well.

Bench didn't progress at all since last week, but I have to remind myself that it's the 2nd pressing movement of the day, and that if the primary movement of the day (Dips) is progressing, I shouldn't get down about a lack of progress on the movements that aren't the focus.  Keep the goal, the goal, and don't fall back into over prioritizing the powerlifts.

TTB was also a bit harder today for some reason.

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