Friday, November 22, 2019

Pivot Block. Cycle 1. Session B.

BW - 226

Waist - 42.75"

sRPE @ 7

3-2-0 Tempo Bench -
130X7 @7
135X7 @7.5

DB Press (350 Method) - 25sX25, 17, 15 (57 total)

Inverted Row (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rests) - BWX16, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7 @8.5/9

Flexed-Arm Knee-to-Bar - BWX6, 4, 5 @8.5/10

I'll have a bit more focus on Press next block vs. Bench, and so I've reduced the total Bench variation sets for the pivot, and upped the total reps on the Press variation.  Press used Paul Carter's 350 method (3 AMRAP sets until you can get 50 reps, then  up the weight next session).  Blew past 50 here, so I'm going to up it to the 35s next week.  That's a bigger jump than I would take in a developmental block, but with only a 2 week pivot and such high reps, I feel comfortable ramping intensity quickly here.

All the chin-up volume in the last block seems to have done wonders for the ol' flexed-hang knee raise.  I've always done these as a partial curl-up, but I had no problem going knee to bar on these sets, and reps/set were comparable to past pivot blocks despite the longer ROM.

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