Monday, November 18, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 8. Session D.

BW - 227

Waist - 43.25"

sRPE @ 7

Chin-Ups -
BW+30X4, 3, 3 @~10
BWX6 @9.5

Rack Chins (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rests) - BWX8, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, @~9

Dips -
BW+35X8 @9.5
BWX12 @9.5

Rope Pushdowns - 90X13@9

BB Curls -
80X8, 8 @8.5, 9.75
60X18 @9.5

Some ups and down on the last session of this training block.

257(BW+30)X4 ties a lifetime Rep PR on Chins.  They didn't feel strong, but tying a Rep PR isn't nothing.  Maybe poised to jump to some all-time PRs next block.  That would be nice.

Rack Chins did feel strong.  Even though I got less reps on the first set, I got more total overall reps, and sometimes you've got to be happy with that.

Dips definitely took a step back.  Weighted sets were much harder this week with only ~4 more lbs., and BW back-off sets were much harder.  HOWEVER, 262(BW+35)X8 is a lifetime Rep PR.

80X8 on Barbell curls is a lifetime Rep PR.  These made nice, very  linear progress here.  Probably because I haven't had them in a regular development block in a long time.

All-in-all this block demonstrated to me the power of being able to put together a consistent run of training.  Almost a year into using the Emerging Strategies framework (I may do a fuller write up of this to help organize my own thoughts), and I can see that a full ~7 "week" training block usually  nets around 5-6% increases.  Training Max is around 96%, and usually increases around 12% by the end of a full block.  The big challenge is stringing those together around life interruptions. 

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