Thursday, November 7, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 7. Session D.

BW - 227

Waist - 43"

sRPE @ 7

Chin-Ups -
BW+26.25X4, 3, 3 @~10
BWX7 @10

Rack Chins - BWX7, 3, 3, 3, 3 @~9

Dips -
BW+30X8 @7.75
BWX14 @8.5

Rope Pushdowns - 80X22

BB Curls -
75X8, 8, 8 @8/9.25

Another solid session as this block winds/comes to a close.

Chins continue to make slight progress.  This was an increase in total weight on the weighted sets, and a block rep PR for unweighted chins.

Rack chins didn't get as many overall reps this session, but I played with the set-up, and got them feeling more stable in general.

Dips hit block PRs in both total weight X8, unweighted total reps, and e1RM for both.  And these are both right around my all-time WeightsXReps for Dips even though the RPE is submaximal.

Curls were also much stronger this week.

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