Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Block 7. Cycle 1. Session A.

BW - 222

Waist - 42"

Squat -
350X1 @7.5
357.5X1 @8.5
362.5X1 @9
317.5X4, 4 @7.5, 8.25
267.5X7 @7

Pause Bench - 187.5X4, 4, 4 @8, 8, 7.5

Deadlift w/ Straps - 340X3, 3, 3, 3 @8

Conditioning - Rower; HIIT; 20 second rounds; 5 rounds

Solid first session.

This is designed to be a higher-intensity block in a full-body layout with tightly ascending singles to 1@9 on the main lifts followed by 2X4 @8 and 1X5-7 @8, then a slightly lower intensity variation, and a variation with a bit of overload.  The last back-off set on the main is 5-7 because I want to see if I can learn a little "RPE on the fly," and also to give myself elbow room for better and worse days without having to add additional work sets to hit the target. 

On Squats, the expected top single target ended up being correct, although warm-ups felt good enough that I thought I might go up.  However, 357.5X1 was right @8.5, so I stuck to the plan.  The second back off set of 4 was noticeably more difficult than the first.  That seems about right given the fatigue I would expect to have accumulated on this lift by that point.  I screwed up my formula projecting the weight for the final back-off set.  It should have been closer to 290, but I don't mind so much on day 1, and we'll see how it goes now that I've fixed it.

Been so long since I benched with a regular pause that I kept forgetting to pause on the first rep.  These sets actually got easier as it went along, so it will be interesting to see where the offset between this and the TnG version ends up by the end of the block.

I don't think I've ever really done much conventional DL with straps.  I guess-timated a 5% bump over mixed-grip, and that seems like it will be fairly close depending on where comp DL falls at the end of this first training cycle. 

Video if of top sets and final work sets.

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