Thursday, August 1, 2019

Block 7. Cycle 1. Session B.

BW - 223

Waist - 42.75"

Bench -
230X1 @ 8
235X1 @8.75
240X1 @8.75
215X4 @8.5
212.5X4 @8.25
190X7 @7.75

Chain Squats - 285+45(330)X3, 3, 3, 3, @8

Pause Deadlift - 285X4, 4, 4 @~8

Interesting session.

Bench was a little bit difficult to get dialed-in, but I did hit my target top single relatively easily, but then the back-off weights didn't quite line up with that projection.  I think execution on the top set was just above average.

I'd expected to get a lot more weight on the bar for Chain Squats.  I was struggling with some lingering adductor DOMS from Monday's Squat session, and that was likely a confounder.  I'd expect this to climb as I get re-acclimated to regular training.  Still, the proprioception of the heavy weight in the walk out and the descent may be a bigger factor that I anticipated.  I'd been hoping for an e1RM on these 5-10% over regular squat, but this was only about 0.7%. 

Pause Deadlifts went slightly better than expected.  Had targeted 90% of Deadlift TM.  We'll see what the actual DL ends up being on Friday.

Video is of top sets and final work sets in each rep range.

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