Thursday, July 11, 2019

Block 6. Cycle 2.

BW - 223

Waist - 42.75"

Squat -
320X3 @8
275X7 @7

2ct. Pause Squat - 230X6 @6.5

Bench -
215X3 @7.5
187.5X7 @7

Close-Grip Bench - 177.5X7, 7 @7

Deadlift -
350X1 @8.5
322.5X3 @7.5

Plate Deficit Deadlift - 252.5X7 @6.5

Well that sucked.  I definitely fucked up my pivot block.  DOMS from the first session was so bad, that it made everything on this day very hard, and that should not have been the case.  Total work sets per session are exactly the same as last block, and total work reps are only ONE more than last block.  Definitely not such a change that DOMS should have been this bad.  Volume on the pivot block was just too low.  I thought it might be at the time, but there was so much weirdness pivoting from a 3 session cycle to a 1 session cycle, etc., that I tried to trust to the process, and the process is clearly off.

Interestingly, Bench was much less heavily impacted than the lower body lifts.  This was primarily an adductor DOMS problem, although low back and chest were also very sore. 

Anyway, didn't get video of the top sets of Squat and Bench because they both topped out sooner than expected.  I got everything adjusted well enough to predict where the top set of DL would fall.

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