Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Block 6. Cycle 1.

BW - 224

Waist - 42.25"

Squat -
340X3 @8
292.5X7 @7

2ct. Pause Squat - 242.5X6 @6.5

Bench -
217.5X3 @7.5
187.5X7 @7

Close-Grip Bench - 182.5X7, 7 @~7.5

Deadlift -
385X1 @9.25
340X3 @8

Plate Deficit Deadlift - 265X7 @6.5

This block is composed of one session cycles so that I can try and see how much improvement I can get before I go on a short vacation mid-July.  I'll probably only get 5 session/cycles in before my trip.  Mike Tuschsherer did this in the last year or so, and that's where I got the idea.  My intuition says it will be fairly tough to do the same exact workout each training session and expect to see weight increase, but I'm looking forward to finding out what happens.

To try and give myself the best chance of this working well, I based everything on a Meta-Block Review from the RTS on-line app.  It suggests that these rep and RPE ranges on the mains, and these assistance movements should be my best bang for the buck. 

Squat and Bench movements all went fairly well.  I think I may see that Bench and Deadlift lag a bit on this program because they've been first order movements the last several blocks, but here they will be relegated to competition order.  Bench performance seemed to be hitting a bit of a wall by the time I got to the close-grips.

Deadlift was much more difficult.  Again, possibly the shift from first to third order.  The target RPE here is 8.5 and I both overshot that and undershot my original target weight of 390.

Plate deficits were really wonky on the one warm-up set I took on them, but that gave me enough feedback to make some adjustments, and the work set felt pretty good.  Came in a touch under target RPE, but at the end of the workout, I didn't want to push more volume

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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