Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 7. Session B.

BW - 222

Bench -
252.5X2 @9.75
212.5X6, 6, 6 @~8.5

Cambered Bar Bench - 175X5, 5, 5 @8

Chin-Ups - BW Density Block; 7 minutes; 7 reps on 1st set; 32 total reps

Bench was a mixed bag here.  252.5X2 is a Rep PR, but with the @~10 it projects as a lower e1RM than last week's 250X2@~9

Frankly, the warm-ups suggested I should take 250 again, but I wanted to try for more weight.  At least it's nice to get some confirmation that I should believe my warm-up feedback. 

I decided to still go on the heavier side on the back-off sets.  The first couple of sets were okay, but the last set was definitely @8.5 and trending up. 

But I was able to add weight to the cambered bench without any trouble.  Some of that could still be acclimation to a relatively novel movement.

Also got one more rep squeezed in on the chin-up density block.

Yesterday, I was optimistic that I might be able to extend this training block another week, and today I kind of want it to be over.  It may come down to how the last session of this cycle goes.  This is definitely one of those places where a good quality coach that's familiar with both my lifting and my psychology would be helpful, but as is I gotta do for self.

All video is of top set and final back-offs.

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