Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 6. Session B.

BW - 221

Bench -
250X2 @9.25
210X6, 6, 6 @~8/8.75

Cambered Bench - 172.5X5, 5, 5 @~8

Chin-Ups - BW Density Block; 7 minutes; 7 reps on first set; 31 total reps

Decent session.

I pushed the weight on the top set of bench a touch higher than was indicated, because getting a lift-off for the top sets has seemed to give a little boost.  I was probably just a smidge ambitious, but no harm.  The annoying thing will be if I end up using the same weight next week. 

I dialed-it in tigher for the back-off sets.  The first two were good, with the second being a particularly rock-solid @8, but the difficulty on the third jumped for some reason.

Cambered bench was well locked-in.

Got another rep on the first set of chins, but the same number of total reps.  All good.

Video is of top sets and final work sets of the barbell lifts (using my phone as a timer during chins, so can't really take video).

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