Monday, June 10, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 5. Session C.

BW - 221

Deadlift -
392.5X2 @9
330X6, 6, 6 @~8

Pause Squats -
262.5X5 @7.5
265X5, 5 @~8

Axle Bench - 195X5, 5, 5 @8

392.5X2 is a Rep PR on Deadlift.  My first Rep PR since using Emerging Strategies.  Back felt a little "something" at the top of rep 1, but I was able to finish the session with no pain, and no apparent drop-off in performance.  The feeling of "something" in my low back has been present every since, so we'll see how Comp Squat session goes today.  My assumption is that everything will be fine.

Pause Squats were rock solid.

The ~70lb. axle I've been using all block was occupied, so I had to use the lighter axle.  I don't actually know how much it weighs.  I compared it subjectively to how heavy it felt in my hands compared to a standard barbell, and guess-timated 40lbs. for this session.  All good.

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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