Friday, June 7, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 5. Session B.

BW - 222

Bench -
242.5X2 @9
207.5X6, 6, 6 @8/8.75

Cambered Bar Bench - 167.5X5, 5, 5 @8

Chin-Ups - Density Block; 7 minutes; 6 reps on first set; 31 total reps

Conditioning - LISS; Treadmill Walking; 20 minutes

Another solid session this week.  Nice to get a little string of them going.

Week 5 hasn't been great for Bench to this point, so it was nice to get a bigger than usual jump this week.  I was shooting for 245, but warm-ups indicated something slightly lighter.  The top set was rock solid, and has been this cycle.  I think some of that is down to only getting a lift-off on the top set allowing me to have a tad more energy for the actual reps.

Cambered Bench was also solid.

I only got 1 more rep in the Chin-Up density block this week, but I was 2 lbs. heavier than last week so that's alllllllright. 

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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