Thursday, February 28, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 5. Session B.

BW - 213

2 ct. Pause Squat -
220X5 @6
245X5, 5, 5 @~7

Bench -
165X7 @6
195X3 @7.25
205X3 @8.5
172.5X7, 7, 7 @~7

Deadlift -
252.5X7 @6
297.5X3 @7
315X3 @8.25
267.5X7 @7

Everything went pretty well.  At the end of cycle 5, everything still seems to be climbing, although possibly slowing.

Now that Pause Squats are well above BW, RPE is getting a bit trickier to gauge.  Without the bounce  out of the hole, every rep "feels" hard on the concentric.  But required effort seemed more or less consistent across the work sets.

On Bench, the warm-up triple felt a little heavier than I wanted it to, but I still decided to jump to 205 for the top set.  Definitely over target RPE, but still represents an increase in e1RM.  Back-offs ended up being at the same weight as last week, but slightly lower average RPE, and that tracks.

Also decided to "go for it" slightly on DL.  Warm-ups suggested I use the same top weight as last week, but I wanted to see how 3 plates would feel.  Slightly heavier than target RPE, but similar to Bench represents a slight increase in e1RM.  Unlike Bench, the back-off set was heavier than last week and still on RPE target.

Video is of top-sets and final work sets.

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