Monday, February 11, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 2. Session A.

BW - 212

Squat -
295X3 @7.5
302.5X3 @8
260X7, 7, 7 @7, 7,7.5

Close-Grip Bench -
145X6 @6
155X6, 6 @7, 6.5
157.5X6 @7

Plate Deficit DL -
212.5X7 @6
222.5X7, 7 @6.5, 6

Couple of interesting things.

Looking back at the previous developmental block, I thought there might be a chance for a large jump in week 2 as acclimation set it.  And coming into the session, my body and energy levels felt very good, and I thought that was going to happen.

That didn't turn out to be the case with the Squat where it only jumped 5 lbs. on both top set and back-offs.  Still very happy to make a pain-free jump.

However on the supplemental lifts, I did make a larger jump.  +5 lb.s on CG bench, and +12.5 lb.s on deficit pulls that still left some weight on the table.

I suspect my theory about acclimation in the 2nd week may carry more water with movements I do less commonly, i.e. I may have take a couple of weeks off of comp. squatting, but I've still done the comp squat thousands of times, as opposed to the supplemental movements that I've only did occasionally in isolated blocks.  I've made notes on this, and we'll see how it plays out through the rest of this block, and next dev. block.

All videos are of top sets or final back-off sets.

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