Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 3. Session A and B.

Session A:
BW - 211

Squat -
297.5X3 @7.5
305X3 @8
260X7, 7, 7 @7

CG Bench -
150X6 @6
160X6, 6, 6 @~7

Plate Deficit DL -
225X7 @6
235X7, 7 @7

Squat is the only  movement so far this cycle that hasn't taken a larger-than-programmed jump in intensity at some point.  Don't know if that's a function of lingering tightness/discomfort in the left quad, it being a lift that's more "mature" because I've hit it so hard and often during the years, or something else.

CG Bench has been fairly predictable, and Deficit DL has been taking big jumps.

Session B:
BW - 212

Pause Squat (2 ct.) -
225X5 @6.5
230X5, 5, 5 @~7

Bench -
180X3 @6.5
192.5X3 @8 (no video)
167.5X7, 7, 7 @~7

Deadlift -
290X3 @7
305X3 @8
257.5X7 @6.5

Quad felt good, and Pause Squats made a nice, larger jump this week.

Bench took a very large jump on the top set, although back-off sets ended up being right on target.  Interesting.

Deadlift was also right on target.

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