Monday, February 25, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 4. Session B.

BW - 210

2 ct. Pause Squat -
230X5 @6
242.5X5, 5, 5 @7.25/7.5

Bench -
155X7 @6
187.5X3 @7
197.5X3 @8
172.5X7, 7, 7 @7/7.5

Deadlift -
250X7 @6
295X3 @7
312.5X3 @8.25
262.5X7 @7

Last block,my lifts all peaked between cycle 4 (Squat), 5 (Bench), and 6 (Deadlift), so I'll be watching this next cycle with interest,

2 ct. Pause Squats have consistently been at or just North of 80% of comp squat, and that trend continued here despite Squats making a 5% jump last week.  Weight was probably just a touch higher than it needed to be, and I would expect a smaller jump this next cycle if I haven't peaked.

Bench jumped a slight bit more than the trend, but I will still expect a jump next cycle.

Deadlift increased, but at a much lower % than the trend, and a lower % than any other lift this cycle.

Top sets and final work sets shown.

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