Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 5. Session A.

BW - 213

Squat -
265X7 @6
300X3 @6
310X3 @7
327.5X3 @8
280X7, 7, 7 @7.7.5

CG Bench -
155X6 @6
165X6, 6, 6 @7

Plate Deficit Deadlift -
225X7 @6
240X7, 7 @6.5, 7

Solid session.  Busy gym, and I ended up working in with someone on Squat, and having a lot of side conversations during close-grips, so not a lot of video of those.

Quick Notes:
Squat went very well overall.  Getting comfortable with the weights being far in excess of BW again.

I've been playing with bench rep execution.  For higher intensity sets, still "resetting" between reps (taking a new breath, etc.), but for more "rep out" sets just going straight through, or in chunks.  Seems to be working much better than resetting every rep like I had been, and like I do on Squats.

On deficit pulls, playing with foot placement to try to emphasize glutes and hamstrings rather than quads for the majority of the stroke.  If I had it to do over again, I think I would prefer wider grip DL instead of pulling from a deficit to remove this issue.

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