Thursday, February 7, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 1. Session B.

BW - 214

Pause Squat 2 ct. -
207.5X5, 5 @~6.5
212.5X5 @7.5

Bench -
180X3 @7.5
155X7 @6
162.5X7, 7, 7 @~7

Deadlift -
290X3 @8
240X7 @6.5

Found the right intensity with Pause Squats fairly quickly (as opposed to bench).  Weight ended up being pretty fair below the initial target it to be based on my history with this movement, though.  We'll see if it takes a big jump.

I had to hunt around a lot on bench.  Because of what happened with Squats on session A, I expected it to come in well below original target weight, but it end up coming in much closer.  Then the top set ended up leading me to underestimate the back-off weight.  Could mean a few things.  Off the top of my head: A) I tired myself out a bit finding the top triple, but then recovered between sets enough to show higher fitness on the back-off sets, or B) after the prior volume block, I'm better able to perform higher rep sets than lower rep sets.  We'll see how the block plays out.

Deadlift went very smoothly.  Top triple ended up exceeding target weight.  I still backed-off to the target back-off weight, and while that did end up being under target RPE, I'm fine with treading lightly on DL.

Video are all top-sets and final back-off sets.

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