Thursday, February 21, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 4. Session A.

BW - 212

Squat -
255X7 @6
285X3 @6
300X3 @7
315X3 @7.5
270X7, 7, 7 @6.5/7

CG Bench -
152.5X6 @5.5
162.5X6, 6, 6 @6.5/7

Plate Deficit Deadlift -
230X7 @6
245X7 @7.5
240X7 @7

Based on last block, I thought* there was a chance I could get a larger intensity increase on my comp. movements in the 4th cycle, and that turned out to be the case for Squat here.  *possible placebo

Nice to have 3 plates in the rotation again, and it came in even a tad under RPE target.  I could have tried going up, but I'm wondering about the cumulative fatigue* about warm-up sets @6+ when back-off sets are also going to be prescribed.  So I called it good and moved to the back-off sets, which moved REALLY well, and also came in slightly under RPE target to start. *possible nocebo, lol

Close-Grips also similarly were flying today.  I thought here about going up in weight just a touch, but last block started to plateau in cycle 5, so I don't mind giving myself a bit of "fatigue margin" this week as long as I'm meeting or exceeding goals.

I did get a touch greedy on Deficits and tried going a bit above what 230X7@6 would have indicated, and it did end up being a slight overshoot.

Video is of top sets and final back-offs.

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