Thursday, November 8, 2018

Transmutation to Accumulation Pivot Day 7.

BW - 218

Bench -
195X6, 6 @8

Close-Grip Bench - 155X11 @8

3-3-0 Tempo Squat - 215X3, 3 @7

GHR - BWX6, 6 @~7

DB Rows - 80sX10, 10 @~8.5

Pushed Bench and Rows a bit harder than I was supposed to on this day.  Meathead mentality, I guess.  Trying to do more than last time, instead of sticking to the plan 100%.

Bench set-up felt off the whole time.  I couldn't seem to "naturally" get settled into the movement.  Start position and leg drive were both inconsistent, etc.  Could be the relatively light intensity making it easier for my mind to wander.  I thought moving competition movements to first in the session order would generally improve them, but that was not the case this session.  Still, it's a wash-out block, so nbd.

First time doing tempo squats, I think.  These were fine.  They were supposed to be 3-3-0, but they were probably closer to 2-2-0.

GHR felt a little better grooved today.

Pushing the DB rows into @8+ is probably not that big of a deal, it's just old "body-building" habits kicking in when DBs are involved.

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