Monday, November 26, 2018

Block 1 (Accumulation). Cycle 1. Day 2 and 3 (Bench and Deadlift focus).

Day 2

BW - 217

Bench - 165X8, 8, 8 @6/7

High-Bar Box Squat - 185X6, 6, 6, 6, 6 @6/7

2" Mat Pulls w/ Straps - 257.5X7, 7, 7, 7 @6/7

Day 3

BW - 218

Deadlift - 242.5X8, 8, 8, 2* @6/*10 (tweaked low back)

Tempo Squat 2-2-0 - 185X5, 5, 5 @6/7

Close-Grip Bench - 127.5X8, 8, 8, 8 @6/7

Bench went from 6 to 7 pretty fast.  Not sure what that was about.

High-Bar Box Squats and Elevated Deads both went fine.

Day 2 felt solid overall.

Not so much Day 3.  Tweaked my back on the 2nd rep of the 4th set of Deads.  Video of 3rd and 4th sets below.  Probably just getting in too much of a hurry because the low intensity is kind of boring, and makes the higher rep sets seem to take forever.  Feels about 80% back to normal 3 days later, and didn't prevent me completely from finishing the training session.

I have to take the tempo squat weights with a grain of salt because of the back injury.  If the low back is fine this week we'll see how they do.  Generally would expect these to have been heavier.

CG Bench was a shit show getting to my work weight.  It took me 4 sets to find this weight, at which point I was already fairly fatigued.  Theoretically that should mean this will be a conservative number come the next session.

Hope the low back continues to heal quickly.  Was very happy to be starting a new cycle, and would hate to get derailed in the first week.

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