Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Block 1 (Accumulation). Cycle 1. Day 1 (Squat focus).

BW - 215

Squat - 247.5X7, 7, 7, 7 @6/7

DB Bench - 55sX8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 @6/7

Trap Bar DL (High Handles) - 245X8, 8, 8 @6/7

Conditioning - Treadmill HIIT; 7 rounds

First day of the new cycle!  Very happy to be revving things up.

Quads felt fine during Squats.  I have "normal" DOMS less than 24 hours later, and we'll see how that trends over the next 24.  Otherwise, these felt great.  Estimated target weight for the day was 252.5, and happy to have ended up in that ballpark.  Mostly happy to just be squatting for volume (and reps) pain free, but am hopeful that I can see a robust increase in intensity through this block since this weight is about 100 lbs. under my best set of 7.

Over 3 years since I did DB flat bench, so I had no target.  First set with the 55s was really awkward, and I thought I might have overshot, but the 2nd set was @6 tops, and then I sailed through until I hit a conservative @7 on the sixth set.  Depending on fatigue and recovery for the first week, I would expect these weights to be higher next week.  Didn't grab any video of these.

I've never used a trap bar.  Ever.  It was fun!  If a little strange feeling.  I decided to use the high handles for this cycle as they seem to involve less legs, and therefore more back?  The range of motion feels very strange, but it was all good.

Enthusiasm about training is high.

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