Monday, July 2, 2018

Maintenance / Rehab Block. Week 5. Day 3.

BW - 225

Squats - 55X25, 25, 25

Bench - 255X3, 3, 3

Pull-Ups - BWX7, 4 (11 total reps)

Pull-Downs (supinated) - X10, 10, 7 (straight-weight; + "5" lbs. from last week)

Hammer Curls - 40sX8, 7

Starr Rehab Protocol continuing on squats.  These were fine.  A bit easier, actually, probably got a bit acclimated to the higher reps.

Put my feet down on the bench first the first time in a month.  No adductor pain.  I've decided to just continue with the progression I was on with feet up.  Should last for at least a few sessions.  Technically a 3X3 PR.

Pull-Ups felt strong, but 7 definitely felt like upper limit.  Expect to have to add a set the next session or two to keep total volume rising.

Also, reverse-grip pull-down finally got to a weight I couldn't hit 10 with.  Will push this weight again next ime.

Likewise, Hammer curls dropped off with the weight increase and will stay at this weight until 2X10+.

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