Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Maintenance / Rehab Block. Week 7. Day 1.

BW - 227

Squats - 115, 125, 135X25

Press -

Chin-Ups - BWX8, 5, 4, 4, 4 (25 total reps)

RDL - 235X5, 5

Pull-Downs - X10, 10, 10 (straight-weight; same weight as previous)

BB Curls - ~60X10, 8

Starr Rehab squats continue, and I continue to not feel much of a change.  Staying the course.

Press was strange today.  The set with 135 felt much better than the set with 132.5.  Just one of those things, I guess.

First set of chins felt good.  I actually got my nose above the bar for a 9th rep, but couldn't get my chin over.  Strength dropped off from there.

RDLs felt okay. 

Pull-Downs were stronger.  Finally got 3X10 with the same weight I'd used for the last 3 session without clearing 8.  Some of that is surely breaking vertical pulls up with RDL.

Also, solid curls even though I upped the weight. 

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