Monday, July 30, 2018

Maintenance / Rehab Block. Week 9. Day 3.

BW - 224

Squat -
325, 335X5

Bench - 250X1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Chin-Ups - BWX4, 3, 3, 3, 3 (16 total reps)

RDL - 285X5, 5

Pull-Downs - X11, 8, 7 (straight-weight; same weight as previous)

BB Curls - ~60X11, 10

Starr Rehab Squats were expected to be sets of 8 today, but the Squat had other plans.  6th rep with 315 was challenging technically, so I called it there and went ahead and dropped to sets of 5.  These all "felt" like real work sets and my legs were nice and achy for about 24 hours following.  I'm just going to switch over to standard LP progression with 10 lb. jumps (hopefully) between sessions.  Adductor still feels a bit sharp on the initial warm-up sets, and feels a bit spasm-y at times outside of the gym, but nothing nearly as debilitating as it was.  Current plan is to run the LP up to the mid-to-high 300's and then switch back into regular programming with an HLM, top-set followed by back-off sets approach. I'm hopeful that lower intensity back-off volume will help continue the healing process while also driving adaptation for the top sets.  All 3 work sets shown.

250X1 is a Rep PR on bench.  Nice to get it for 5 sets, too!  The first set was really close as the descent was a bit slow, and touched a bit high.  Those were the two cues I took into the other sets, and they were all much better.  I may try to push this up one more time.  Would be nice to notch 255 before I switch over to HLM, but we'll just have to see.  Last set shown.

Chins were fine.  Still strict and double-paused.

RDLs still feeling good with the straps.  So good, I'm probably sand-bagging on switching back to pulls from the floor. "I'm talkin' to the man in the mirror."

Pull-downs were the same total reps as last time, with a slightly different distribution.  All these chin-up accessories are probably going out the door once the adductor feels good enough to switch back to regular programming.  Looking back at my log, I have added about ~15 lbs. over the course of about 2.5 months.  Went from getting ~105X8 to getting ~115X11-12.

Likewise, I've taken barbell curls from getting ~50X9 on the 2nd set to getting ~60X10 on the 2nd set here.  If I start to miss these movements because my chin-up strength starts going backwards, this is stuff I could potentially mix in on off days at the gym in my office building, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.  The main thing is to get back to regular, progressive work on the multi-joint barbell movements.

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